FORT WORTH, TX – The spread of COVID-19 has changed what the Spring semester looks like for students across the nation. Concerned for the senior class, who may never get to return to Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts (FWAFA) as students again, a group of 10th grade boys wanted to create a special tribute to their Class of 2020 friends.
FWAFA 10th graders, Vincent Kaltenreider, Caleb Jackson, Owen Harvey, Michael Sendejo, John Runnels, Ashtyn Coon, and Jackson Layton began working together to build their school using the popular game, Minecraft. What began as a nod to the seniors became a heartwarming virtual visit “Home” for a lot of students, faculty, and parents. These boys have literally brought several students, parents, and teachers to tears with their creation.
The students were featured on the morning Channel 5 news segment, Wake Up To #SomethingGood. Their YouTube Video gives a tour of the school with impressive attention to detail. The students collectively spent about eight hours a day for eleven days to build the Minecraft FWAFA. It is very impressive – not that anyone is surprised. The students at Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts always find new and creative ways to express themselves and impress us with their talents!
Watch their video, Minecraft: FWAFA, Our Home now.