Mar 1, 2021 - Monday Message – Texas Center for Arts + Academics

March madness is a little different at a fine arts school. Instead of a basketball focus, we’re focused on rigorous classroom instruction, testing and reviewing data, and jumping into all of our spring productions! In-School and At-Home Learners will start to see a shift in their Fine Arts curriculum from process to product. Our teachers will be working with the students to learn and perfect their performances and artwork.

In-School families, please see the letters below from our performing arts teachers. K-1st Grade will be performing Welcome to the Jungle, and 2nd-6th Grade will perform Dear Edwina, Jr.

At-Home Learners, watch for information coming to you in the next few weeks.

March will be busy, busy, busy, and will feel really short due to spring break. Thanks for noting all of the special dates and opportunities in this newsletter. If you have any questions, let us know!

To read the full newsletter, CLICK HERE.