A North Texas educational organization dedicated to inspiring young people through an arts-based, academic world-view.
Monday, February 13th is the last day for open enrollment. Please remind anyone you know interested in auditioning for TeSA that they must apply online by midnight. This is a state-approved deadline and cannot be extended.
All current students are automatically admitted to TeSA for the following school year. If your child will NOT be returning to TeSA, please email tammy.smith@mytesa.org to be removed from our 2023-2024 rosters and give your child’s spot to a new student. If your plans are pending, please wait to confirm and then let us know. Thank you for helping us plan ahead!
K-1st parents, if you wish to discuss a parent-nomination to retain your child in the same grade, please email betsy.compton@mytesa.org by Friday, February 17th.
Don’t forget there is no school on Monday, February 20th, so our next Monday Message will be released on Monday evening in preparation for the new school week.
To read the full newsletter, CLICK HERE.