Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts FWAFA Principals Desk

Greetings FWAFA Family,

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders!

We are moving and grooving along into this school year. The safety of our students and teachers is top priority! We’d like to offer some reminders about arrival and dismissal procedures.

Drivers should NOT use electronic devices while dropping off or picking up children. Cell-phones and other devices create an unsafe situation. Drivers should drive the posted speed limit on Hulen Street and decrease speed as they enter the FWAFA parking lot.


· Students may arrive at 7:20 a.m.
· Students will not be admitted to the building prior to this time, unless part of a morning tutorial with one of their grade level teachers.
· Students must stay in their vehicle until they have been admitted into the building.
· Drivers should pull their vehicles all the way to the exterior doors to help with the flow of traffic.
· Students should be ready to exit the vehicle as soon as it comes to a stop.
· The back East doors close at 7:55 a.m. After 7:55 a.m., students should use the front door to enter the building.
· For the safety of students, drop off in the morning is one lane. In the back, students should only be let out in the right lane, so they do not cross through traffic. In the front, students should be let out in the left lane.
· Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. must be checked in through the front office.


· No early dismissals allowed after 3:15 p.m.
· Drivers should follow the designated lanes, divided by grade level
· Drivers may not park in the front and come into the building to wait for their child(ren).
· After 4:00 p.m., students who are late pick-ups should be picked up from the back (East side) of the building.

Before/After School Rules:

· Students must stay with their parent/guardian if they have been released from the teacher.
· Students are not allowed to walk around the building without supervision, even with parent permission.
· Students and parents are not allowed in teachers’ rooms before or after school without a teacher or administrator present.

We want to thank you all for following these procedures. There have been some recent accidents at dismissal involving teachers being hit by drivers in the pick-up line. We have recently consulted with a safety and traffic professional that will allow us to make some changes to our dismissal procedures. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

To read the full newsletter, CLICK HERE.