A North Texas educational organization dedicated to inspiring young people through an arts-based, academic world-view.
Our students are immersed in rigorous, conservatory-based instruction in Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Academics. Using the National Core Arts Standards and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, teachers create individualized curriculum that meets the needs of every student, developing their academic abilities, artistic techniques, and performative qualities. Students engage in classical, contemporary, and personal works and are provided opportunities to perform and/or exhibit their art in class, within the school, and around the Fort Worth community.
All FWAFA Graduates are expected to complete a Capstone Project and graduate with 26 credits, encompassing at least one Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement. Students transferring to FWAFA with previous high school credits and students with Individual Education Plans may meet with the FWAFA High School Counselor to develop an alternative graduation plan if needed. In order to earn a FWAFA Arts & Humanities Endorsement in Art, Dance, Music, or Theatre, students must first receive permission from the corresponding Department Chair and Secondary Counselor to begin the coursework, and then meet specific goals to continue their courses of study each year. Students must choose a minimum of one endorsement, however multiple endorsements may be earned. In accordance with Texas graduation policies, multiple FWAFA Arts & Humanities Endorsements will be considered one Endorsement. FWAFA has a 100% graduation rate.
The high school program at FWAFA is college preparatory and the coursework has been selected to give our students the greatest number of options in postsecondary education or professional artistic training. Under our present curriculum initiative, all teachers are striving to teach with methods that supply an arts enriched curriculum to our students in all courses. We have five different types of coursework as listed below.
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Social Studies
FA Elective
FA Elective
Pre-Algebra/Algebra I
Social Studies
Principles of IT
French/Spanish I
FA Elective
FA Elective
Social Studies
PE Credit Course *
French/Spanish II*
FA Elective FA & Other Electives(s)
*After students have completed their credits for PE and Languages Other Than English, they will complete additional elective credits of their choice each year, following their graduation plans.