A North Texas educational organization dedicated to inspiring young people through an arts-based, academic world-view.
We invite DFW dancers (rising grades 8-12 and incoming first-year college students) to participate in the first annual Fort Worth Summer Choreography Project! Spend the week dancing and creating new choreography with your peers. Interested students can apply to be a student choreographer* and receive approximately 18 hours of rehearsal time to create a dance for participating students. Each day, choreographers and dancers will show what they have prepared to staff and fellow dancers and choreographers for feedback and workshopping. On the final day, guest adjudicators will view students’ final works or work in progress and provide feedback for choreographic and performance growth
*All choreographer applicants will receive a $25 discount on the program fee. Students chosen to choreograph for the week will receive a full tuition scholarship to the program. Applications are due March 21st. Applications will be reviewed by program staff and all applicants will be notified of application results no later than March 28th, 2025. Students not interested in choreographing can enroll in the project without filling out an application.
Student Choreographer Application: https://forms.gle/hndBKNbG1Kt5xqTX8
Jasmine Jaramillo, M.A., Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts, Dance Faculty Chair
Krista Langford, M.F.A, Director of TCA+A Fine Arts Conservatories and Dance Artist/Educator
Lori Vasquez, M.A., Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts, Dance Instructor
Guest Adjudicators to be announced
Lunch, water bottle, and snacks. Please wear dance shoes, form-fitting clothes like tights or leggings, leotards (no crop tops, bra tops, costumes, t-shirts, shorts, or baggy clothing), and warm-ups to wear over dance clothes during lunch, breaks, etc.
July 28- August 1, Monday-Friday
Texas School of the Arts (TeSA),
Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts
3901 S Hulen St, Fort Worth, TX 76109
(15% early bird discount
available through March 31, 2025)