Debbi Herrera, M.Ed.


6th & 7th Grade ELAR & Dept. Chair

I am inspired by people who strive even when all odds are against them, such as the older unfashionable woman who sings only with her vacuum cleaner at home and who chooses to perform before judges (and stuns them!) in a televised competition, or the octogenarian who finds a tutor to teach her to read as she never learned. 
I have had many proud moments as an educator. One is that as principal of a small school, I helped lead the effort to build the school from a K-5 to a PreK-8. And of course we built an amazing library inside!
I have a two-pronged philosophy. It’s not the falling down, but the getting up. And integrity. Doing the right thing even when no one else is looking. My students hear about this one all the time!
What I love most about this school is the freedom to be. This is a place where difference is the norm, and acceptance is the language. But the best best BEST thing about FWAFA is that I am privileged to teach middle schoolers every day!
An artist I admire is Maya Angelou. She made her way in a world that wasn’t ready for her. Maya Angelou lived a life of passion, giving herself to everything she did. I had the honor of hearing her speak, and did not move for the entire two hours as every word shook my soul.