Leslie Cook, M.A.

Secondary Instructional Specialist

What is your highest degree and from what school? MA in English from UTA

What do you love most about FWAFA? FWAFA really is a family.  We are a learning community that encourages the gifts and goals of students and teachers alike.  It is a fantastic place to call home.

What is something that makes YOU unique? I can turn my nose off when I don’t want to smell something.  I was an adult before I realized other people couldn’t!  I think it must have something to do with how many sinus infections I had as a child.  I think that is some sort of literary trope: chronically ill child develops “super powers” to symbolically compensate.

What is your philosophy? When we read, think, discuss, and write together, we grow.

Favorite Artist (musician, writer, director, painter, etc.): Madeleine L’Engle

What are your hobbies? Reading, watching movies and tv, talking about books and movies and tv