A North Texas educational organization dedicated to inspiring young people through an arts-based, academic world-view.
What’s the most exciting thing about you that most people don’t know? I am in 3 Martial Arts Hall of Fames and been published in multiple Martial Arts Books.
Who in the world – dead or alive – inspires you? And why? Mother Teresa has always been my hero. Since I was a little girl, I dreamed of going to India to work with orphans. I had the opportunity to live that dream after college. The life and humility of Mother Teresa inspired me to travel to 20 countries, in 5 continents, to work alongside widows, orphans, victims of human trafficking, and reconciliation projects.
What’s the most exciting part of your current job role? Getting our students out into the community and recognized for their amazing achievements.
What’s one professional achievement you’re most proud of? Achieving District of Distinction 2 years in a row.
Do you have any hidden talents or skills? What are they? I am pretty good with accents and can do a mean Donald Duck impression.