Stephanie Tello

5th Grade Science

What musical instrument have you always wanted to play? I played many instruments growing up, like the violin and clarinet, but always wanted to play the piano. It’s a beautiful skill to have! I enjoy hearing the students play on the piano when I’m walking the halls. 
What are your hobbies? I actually love building Legos and constructing book nooks made from wood. My most recent Lego project was the Tuxedo Cat because I have a Tuxedo cat! 
Do you have any hidden talents or skills? I can sing pretty well, and especially sing in my car and at home. Lately I’ve been jamming to ABBA, but usually I sing rock music. 
What’s the most exciting thing about you that people don’t know about? I am a writer! Before coming to FWAFA, I was a freelance editor and fiction writer. It is my creative outlet. 
Who in the world inspires you? This one is easy. My older sister is my inspiration! There are many people (dead, alive, famous, acquaintances) who have shaped who I am today, but the one who has constantly inspired me has been my sister. From her work ethic to how good of a human she is, I couldn’t have a better role model in a sister.